Year 7 step out to camp

There was much excitement as Year 7 students shouldered their packs and set out for Crosslands at Galston for their camp.

On Wednesday, students were looking forward to a full program of bushwalking, canoeing, a treasure hunt and rock climbing, as well as simply spending time together.

On Thursday they were joined by Principal Shauna Colnan for some adventures in canoeing, rock climbing and the flying fox.

“It was lovely to spend time with Year 7 out on the water. They deserve this happy carefree start to their High School journey and I’m very grateful to Ms Blacker, Mr Board, Nurse Pek and the team of dedicated teachers who made this camp happen,” Shauna said.

Enjoy some of their comments:

Anu: I’m feeling excited and nervous, mostly excited.

Aleyna: I’m looking forward to the flying fox and camping in tents.

Neve: I can’t wait to go rock climbing and canoeing.

Romeo: Life’s too short to not go to camp.

Elliot: Live your life right and go to camp.

Leo: I’m ready to push myself out of my comfort zone and push myself to the limit.

Max: Camp was made for a reason, to go there.

Wolfe: Be cool and enjoy camp.
