UN Youth National Conference inspires

Congratulations to Year 11 student Casper Carriol who attended the UN Youth National Conference in Perth during the Term break.

Casper writes that his recent trip to the UN Youth National Conference in Perth was a life changing and inspirational experience.

“The UN Youth National Conference fostered the forging of new connections to some amazing individuals across Australia and allowed me to explore and debate current world issues with some of Australia’s most exceptional students.


“The event consisted of 80 students from Years 10 to 12 across Australia, each student so intelligent and unique in every way imaginable. One student in Grade 12 that attended is in regular contact with Greta Thunberg — the celebrity climate activist, and actively works closely with the real UN in combating climate change. She was often awake during the course of the event at 2am hosting conference zoom calls with over 12,000 attendees.

“It was students like these that I was able to debate current world issues whilst learning about concepts such as Globalisation through various workshops throughout the week. Furthermore, we were able to speak to various inspirational and recognised figures surrounding global issues and youth such as Anne Aly- the minister for education and youth of Australia, Penny Wong — Minister for Foreign Affairs, a foreign US Service Officer, and many more.

“Engaging with these active members of our world transformed my understanding of the knowledge of our society and equipped me with knowledge to better Australia’s future. Additionally, Conference debates were held in numerous prestigious facilities including Perth State parliament and EDU university campus.

“However, the greatest outcome of this conference was the connections and discussions I formed with other like minded individuals and Youth UN facilitators along with the ideas and initiatives that resulted from discussions with these people.

“I thank IGS for supporting this journey as the School enabled me to attend this unbelievable event: Over the remaining year that I remain at IGS and using the newfound knowledge I obtained from the conference, I hope I can inspire other students to engage with the world around them, and possibly institute some initiatives at IGS that I believe can progress the learning and achievements of every other student.”

Thank you for sharing your experience with us Casper!

