Sustainable Learning Adventure at Pocket City Farms

Extending their studies of Science studies, Year 5 students visited Pocket City Farms to investigate the ways food and fibre are produced in managed environments, such as an urban farm, using sustainable methods.

Empowering communities

Pocket City Farms educates communities, schools, and businesses to think more sustainably and to take action on climate change, sharing their knowledge of regenerative agriculture, waste reduction, permaculture, and water-saving techniques. Positive outcomes from this program improve the natural environment and help tackle food insecurity.

The visit helped students to understand what a managed environment looks like and how it can be used to produce seasonal healthy food.

The sticky notes below share powerful messages that the students wrote about what they learnt and enjoyed on this purpose-driven excursion.

Thank you Drew Holmes, Primary Home Class Teacher, for organising this amazing opportunity for our students.

Enjoy the gallery!

