Looking Back – A Remarkable Journey for Year 12

What a wonderful week it has been!

Amidst the excitement of looking forward to their futures, this week has allowed Year 12 to take a moment to also reminisce and cherish the past.

It’s been an incredible week filled with countless heartwarming and funny moments, from Taronga Zoo to Luna Park, BBQs, song and dance, and important words spoken at our graduation dinner and assembly. We find ourselves overwhelmed by the sheer joy brought by our exceptional students.

This year’s Year 12 class has showcased a collective personality marked by creativity, intellectual curiosity, and an eagerness to always lend a helping hand. They are sweet, open-hearted and possess a unique determination in everything they do.

As they transition from this chapter of their lives, they stand more engaged and prepared than ever to give their all to the world. This powerhouse year group has left an indelible mark on our hearts.

In our fast-paced lives, we often find ourselves rushing, but days like today prompt us to slow down, if only for a moment, and savour memories. Time may not stand still, but the memories of friends and conversations will linger. This year group will be dearly missed.

To the Year 12 graduates, as your time in school concludes, we reflect on a week of celebration and introspection, knowing that exciting journeys lie ahead. We urge you to use your unique talents and gifts for the greater good, continuing to leave a positive impact on the world.

I wish to extend a special note of appreciation to our Year 12 parents, carers and families. With the HSC just weeks away, I thank you all for entrusting your children to us and for giving them the gift of a quality education which will provide these exceptional young people with an excellent foundation for their next life chapters.

Heartfelt congratulations Year 12. I commend you for your outstanding contributions to our School. I encourage you to follow your passions, heed your hearts, and act with courage. Embrace life, chase your dreams, and above all, enjoy every moment.

In the words of Mark Twain, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So sail away from the safe harbour. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

And with that, as we bid farewell to the extraordinary class of 2023, we eagerly anticipate the bright futures they are destined to create.

Ms Shauna Colnan
