Language learning that tingles the senses!

Early Learning Italian students experienced food with their senses; seeing, feeling, tasting and smelling!

Sensory experiences are closely connected with memory and encourage the development of language. At the end of last term, the Early Learning students learning Italian experience food with their senses; seeing, feeling, tasting and smelling. The children were ecstatic and eager to join in!

“Using their senses of touch, sight, smell and taste of a variety of fruit and vegetables, the children had the opportunity to explore and share their likes and dislikes using their Italian words and structures,” said Italian teacher Elena Palmitessa.

See what the students had to say about the experience below! 

“Non mi piace il Pomodoro!”  (I don’t like the Pomodoro)
“Pi piace la carota”  (I like carrot)
“Non mi piace il fungo” (I don’t like the mushroom)
“Buonissimo” (Very good)
