Kindergarten’s message to Year 12

Congratulations to Kindergarten student Willa who delivered her classmates' messages of support our Class of 2022.

“We liked that when we will be in Year 12 you will all be old adults,” said Willa, responding to Lulu Crisci-Donnelly’s letter from Year 12 to Kindy.

“We liked hearing about all the fun things you have done at IGS. We are already having fun at school too. We have learnt big numbers lie 100 and big words, too.

“We can’t wait to find out what you do after you leave school. We hope you might have jobs that help people or fix big problems. Some of you might get to fly to Mars?

“Do you like going to the zoo? We liked being there with you. You helped us have more fun. Some of us were brave enough to growl at the lions and tigers.

“We will try to stay young forever and not group up too fast. We will also try to care for each other at IGS and also be kind.

“We like what Winnie the Pooh said. ‘Today is my favourite day.’ Today is your last day of school and we hope that our letter has made it a favourite day too.

“We love you, Year 12, and we will always remember you.”   
