Inaugural IGS Alum of the Year Award

IGS Director of Advancement Paul Galea is calling for nominations!

For many, many years I have attended reunions of IGS Alumni and I have always walked away thinking about how nice it is to see what good people these ex-students had become.

Driving the long distances on the outback Reunion Tour, I have had plenty of time to think about things like that and it was from these musings, with the help of my wife, that the idea of recognising our wonderful alumni emerged. 

You might ask why this recognition will be called the IGS Alum of the Year. We felt that the word “Alum” reflects the inclusive culture our school fosters. A “new” word for a new world, if you will.

The candidates will be nominated by a fellow Alum, and their achievements should represent the values of IGS and have some aspect of giving back to the wider community. This need not be on a grand scale; in fact the “unsung” hero or heroine could be doing great things in an area or field not seen by the many.  

Nominations will be vetted and a short blurb on each nominee and their achievements will be posted on various social media outlets for you all to see.

So, all you IGS Alum! Let’s get thinking about who you could nominate. Don’t be shy. You could be the one who has the honour of nominating the inaugural IGS Alum of the Year!

Nominations can be sent to and should include a short summary of why the alum has been nominated.

Paul Galea
IGS Director of Advancement
