How consistency and a cool head culminated in Indigo’s success

According to Indigo to achieve stellar results in the HSC consistency is key.

“I never pulled any crazy all nighters,” noted Indigo Wills, one of six IGS All-round Achievers, students who achieved a result in the highest band possible (Band 6 or Band E4) in 10 or more units of HSC course.  

Instead, it was a cool head and consistent hard work that got her the impressive ATAR of 97.65. 

“I worked really hard throughout the entirety of Year 12, and Year 11 too.”

Last year Indigo was one of the school’s impressive Year 11 students who took their HSC exams for Advanced Mathematics a year early as part of the School’s offering of accelerated courses. 

“I was very lucky to have been able to do Maths accelerated last year, and I definitely wouldn’t have been able to achieve what I did this year without having gotten that out of the way.”

But despite achieving marks in the highest band possible in Biology, English Advanced, Spanish Beginners, Visual Arts and Mathematics Advanced, and leaving school with a top ATAR, Indigo has found it important to keep perspective throughout the year, and even after getting her results.

“It’s not the end of the world, it’s just a figure that’s representative of you in one moment,” she reflects graciously when asked if she has any advice for younger students. 

“It doesn’t represent who you are, so don’t get too hung up on it or hyper-fixated.”

However, Indigo is still excited by the doors a mark like hers can open.

“I’m looking into doing architecture at Sydney Uni next year. I’ve always loved maths and art and I think architecture is a good synthesised degree for my two main interests.”

“I definitely want to thank my parents and my wonderfully supportive friends – I couldn’t have done it without them.”

“And of course, I want to thank all my teachers, they were all amazing. I really admire them all.” 

Congratulations, Indigo, on your impressive results and mature approach and outlook. We can’t wait to see what you do next.
