Empowering and Inspiring Students through Climate Fresk 

A group of students from Years 8, 9, 10 and Year 11 recently engaged in Climate Fresk, a dynamic workshop designed to make understanding the complexities of climate change enjoyable and interactive. 

Head of Sustainability, Carmelo Fedele, introduced the workshop because of its collaborative approach to learning and because it is  established in scientific facts found in IPCC reports. “Climate Fresk provides a reliable foundation for our students to comprehend the intricacies of climate change,” remarked Mr Fedele. He added, “Participants are not just informed; they are empowered to take meaningful action by understanding the driving forces behind climate change and collectively brainstorming solutions.”

Expressing their enthusiasm, students highlighted various aspects that left a lasting impression on them:

“I enjoyed piecing together the different causes and effects of climate change. The interactive nature allowed us to reason and discuss collectively as a group.”

“The way information was presented was unique, making a usually confusing web of conflicting data visually concise and easy to understand.”

“The hands-on approach made the learning experience enjoyable and memorable.”

The students found a range of topics captivating, showcasing the workshop’s effectiveness in delivering valuable insights:

“The most interesting aspect was hearing everyone’s ideas and perspectives.”

“I learned about radiative energy, a concept I was unfamiliar with before this workshop.”

“Discovering the extent to which industries like Beef and Air Travel contribute to climate change, and understanding the chain reactions and feedback loops, was eye-opening.”

After the sessions many students expressed a commitment to making positive changes in their lives and an appreciation for having participated in the workshops:

“I will make an effort to consume less meat and educate younger generations about the importance of addressing climate change.”

“I plan on cutting beef from my diet and leveraging social media to spread awareness.”

“I’m planning to reduce  my (and my family’s) intake of beef, cheese, and lamb, and the amount of clothing I buy by trying to move towards second-hand clothing.”

“I’m currently trying to persuade my family to change banks!”

“This was an excellent workshop, and I hope other students get the chance to experience it.”

The impact of Climate Fresk is evident – students not only left better informed but also inspired to take action against climate change.

Thanks to students Lilla, Kasen, Dominic, Amy, Maya, Auden, Genevieve, Anna, Greta, and Margot for sharing their insights, and to Head of Sustainability Carmelo Fedele and Science Teacher Jennifer Arapakis for facilitating these workshops.

