A Fresh Start with the Same Heart

The IGS PTF becomes the IGS P&C Inc

A Message from Hayley Dean

After four decades of shared history, the IGS Parents, Teachers, and Friends Committee gracefully concluded its journey on Wednesday 19 January 2024.

Our journey has been rich with vibrant hues. We proudly stand as the architects of countless unforgettable moments for IGS students throughout the past 40 years. In truth, without the unwavering dedication of parents who courageously offered to remortgage their homes in the tumultuous 80s, IGS might have faded into obscurity. The challenges of that era, reminiscent of today’s economic strains, were deeply felt. Yet, amidst the financial turbulence, we clung to a belief in International Grammar School and the profound impact it would have on our children’s lives. We dug deep then, and we continue to do so now.

Our affection for the school, its educators, staff, and, most importantly, our children knows no bounds.

To every PTF member spanning four decades: Thank you, from the depths of our hearts. Thank you, thank you, thank you—forty times over, thank you.

But what does that actually mean?

Thank you to the hard work of all the team in making this happen, in particular Lucy Bishop and Lisa Ogle.

My own journey with the PTF has been a whirlwind. I wear this role with immense pride. I assumed it because I believe in kindness. That’s it. Witnessing the selflessness, warmth, and dedication of the previous team inspired me. In the corporate realm, kindness often takes a backseat, overshadowed by pride and self-interest. But in our cherished community, kindness reigns supreme. I’ve always led with my heart, knowing that as a team, we’ve prioritised kindness above all else. May this ethos endure in the new P&C.

The sacrifices made by our PTF predecessors have all been, in my humble opinion, worthwhile. Through the fervour, conviction, love, and resilience of all who have generously volunteered their time since 1984, the PTF has played an indispensable role in nurturing the evolution of the “little community school who could” into the “vibrant independent school who can.”

So I say this – to all the current and past IGS PTF Committee members and Class Reps: It has been an honour and privilege.

My deepest gratitude,

Hayley Dean 
PTF President 2022 – 2024



We are now the IGS P&C Inc, a not for profit incorporated community group.

The IGS P&C Inc will shortly commence its recruitment drive, infused with the same passion and vibrancy as our predecessors, but this time, fortified with insurance! We have an ABN, TFN and will be reporting to the Department of Fair Trading, all items not previously possible.

For most of you, you will not notice any change. We will still hold Discos and BBQs and run the What’s App groups. The biggest change is that we now need you to manually become a paid member if you so wish. In the coming weeks, we will be sending out membership forms and training class Reps to assist you via our shiny new (and very detailed) handbook. We will hold the first P&C AGM early in Term 3 where all positions will be opened and we encourage all interested parties to apply.
