Dream come true for Holly

Holly's outstanding results have landed her a spot in her dream course.

For Holly Matthews, receiving an ATAR of 97.45 and being listed in the coveted NESA All-round Achievers list for gaining results in the highest band possible for 10 or more HSC units of the study was just a bonus.

The real achievement was getting the score she needed to get into her dream course: The Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles at UTS. 

I’m just happy and relieved that I got enough to get in,” said Holly.

Holly, who has been at IGS since Year 4, juggled three major works throughout her HSC studies, one last year during accelerated Aboriginal Studies and two this year in Visual Arts and Textiles and Design.

Her advice for students with multiple major works is to “try and keep plugging away at it”.

“If you get stuck, I found doing the really small, easy stuff first was a great way to not waste time, and leave the more laborious tasks for when you really have the energy for it.” 

Textiles and Design was Holly’s favourite subject, and she recently found out her Major Work, Bound, has been selected for Texstyle, an exhibition of a select exemplary Textiles and Design projects from the HSC.

Holly thanked her Textiles and Design teachers Ms Doic and Ms Carr for their support and mentorship.

Holly will be heading to UTS next year and there’s no doubt we’ll be seeing her designs on the runway before too long.

But first, she just wants to “hang out with my friends and just have fun”.

All the best to you and the IGS Class of 2022, Holly!
