‘All-round achiever’ Alea is excited

IGS Class of 2021 graduate Alea Babeck has been named in the NSW Education Standards Authority HSC all-round achievers' list with four other IGS students.

“I am really pleased,” Alea said, adding that HSC results and ATARs only reveal one aspect of a person’s education.

“I want to thank IGS for giving me the opportunities to develop my interests in sustainability and all the leadership opportunities, to evolve as a person and do all the things I am passionate about. The ATAR doesn’t show that.”

Alea achieved the highest band possible (Band 6 or Band E4) in 10 or more units, in  English Advanced, Legal Studies, Mathematics Advanced, French Continuers and German Extension and an ATAR of 98.9.

Alea accelerated in German Continuers last year while in Year 11, and also achieved a Band 6 result. 

She also achieved 3rd in the State in German Extension.

Alea, who is fully bilingual in German and English and speaks German with her family, studied French at IGS and went on exchange to France. Her French mark was higher than her German mark!

Alea said lockdown worked in her favour, as she spent 13 hours a day studying, including completing many past papers, and she thanked her teachers for marking them all.
“IGS teachers are amazing. I asked every single one of my teachers to mark my stuff so often, and they never said no.

“I gave my Legal Studies teacher five essays a week!” 

Alea hopes to take a gap year this year before studying Psychology, Politics, Economics and Law at UNSW.

“I want to do something in the future to do with politics without being a politician,” she said. “Something to do with human rights or environmental sustainability.”

We wish Alea and the entire Class of 2021 all the very best for their future. We’re proud of you!
