Zahra steps up and speaks out

Congratulations to Head Girl Zahra Moloobhoy who was recently awarded her black belt in Karate earlier this year.

Zahra works as an assistant Sensei at her Dojo, where she teaches karate and boxing.

Zahra has been training in Karate for 11 years, and started when she was just five.

“I started teaching karate, as a sensei, at the beginning of last year. It felt extremely rewarding to achieve my black belt, and I felt proud to have accomplished something so valuable,” Zahra said.

Zahra was also recently selected to participate in the NSW Government’s Amplifying Voices Program which helps give voice to the most marginalised people and groups in society.

“The Amplifying voices program was introduced to me through my father, he met one of the organisers at a social event. They were discussing what I’d been up to in the last year and what I was thinking about doing in the future, and the organiser asked me to submit my bio as he thought I would be a good fit for the type of spokesperson they wanted to develop,” she said.

“The course spans over five Saturdays, and this weekend will be the third day.”

Zahra said she hoped to pursue law, and in particular human rights law.

“I’m really looking forward to strengthening my abilities in being representative in the media, and learning how to have my voice heard. I’m also excited to gain insight into how the media operates ‘behind the scenes’. Lastly, I’m especially looking forward to learning more about the legal aspects of representation in the media.”

