Year 8 immerses in The Retreat

Student journalist Max Nemlich reports on the Kangaroo Valley trip

Kangaroo Valley. What a peaceful, picturesque place. It doesn’t get much better than that. So when IGS purchased a beautiful area there and named it The Retreat, it understandably sparked quite a lot of excitement with students and teachers alike. Recently, Year 8 was given the opportunity to visit themselves.

The day started on a positive note. After a bus ride where students got to experience the sights (and animals) around the valley, they arrived at The Retreat and promptly immersed themselves… in recess. But in fairness, they did have it in the paddocks. Students also observed the similarities and differences between Kangaroo Valley and their hometowns.

After that whole event, they moved on to examining the Aboriginal peoples of New South Wales, before then writing an Acknowledgement of Country that was entirely their own. Many students enjoyed this, and reported it was a very creative experience.

They then experienced a smoking ceremony. This was very immersive, and many students took the opportunity to relax and calm themselves using the smoke. Definitely not something to be forgotten.

Students, overall, enjoyed the short time they spent at The Retreat, and we are sure they will enjoy the trips to follow.

