Building Skills and Bonds

In Week 2, Year 8 embarked on an expedition to Tallong in the Southern Highlands. Through the adverse weather, the students stood together and hiked their way through the swampy deluge to camp out under the stars once they’d hunkered down in their bush dwellings and learnt the valuable life skills of cooking and cleaning up after themselves.

The students put their collaborative skills to the test in a series of trials such as mountain-biking, a low-ropes course and a flying fox—all amidst the mud. Through these activities, students learnt how to effectively communicate and operate as a team in challenging situations. In addition to these physical challenges, students were treated to a talk on the importance of custodianship and the history of care for our land from an Aboriginal elder and senior of the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Students emerged from the camp more resilient, conscientious and independent, ready to face the changes of their adolescence and their world.
