Beautiful work and academic rigor

We wish to congratulate Katelyn Clarke of Year 11 who wrote a a highly academic and rigorous report titled 'Not the Ideal Victim: Media bias, failed investigations, and the unheard stories of missing and murdered First Nations women and children' for her compressed Aboriginal Studies major project submission.

“Katelyn was aware that the Senate referred an inquiry into missing and murdered First Nations women and children to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Reference Committee for inquiry and wanted to learn more about this. She has since met with Minister Linda Burney who will have her report tabled at the senate inquiry,” said Head of Indigenous Education and Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies Teacher Jade Carr.

“This is an amazing achievement for a young woman who is barely 17 years old and really shows the great impact that this project can have on our young people.”

Katelyn recently met with Sam Alderton-Johnson of Impact Policy (an Early Learning IGS Indigenous parent and local Glebe boy) and appeared on his podcast. Read more here.

Jade congratulated Katelyn for her “beautiful work and academic rigor”.

Read Katelyn’s major work here.

